Now, we’re pretty sure that the events of this account did not occur in December

And just as the innkeeper turned Him away then, so the Pharisees and religionists of the day also decided that He did not fit into the mold that they had created for the Messiah. They didn’t want a humble-born Christ – they wanted a king. They didn’t want a meek and lowly Saviour – they wanted a triumphant conqueror. They didn’t want a personal Lord – they wanted a commander to overthrow their Roman masters. So they rejected Him and crucified Him. “His blood be on us, and on our children,” they said in Matthew 27:25. And they still bear the guilt of that decision.
Not only does Israel still reject Him on a national level, but most of the world reject Him on a personal level. We find ourselves too busy, or too educated, or too sophisticated to put faith in Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour. Those of us who do, still push Him to the back of our busy schedules. We don’t walk with Him daily as He desires – we don’t spend time with Him in personal devotions – we don’t tell others about Him. Let us not turn Him out; let us instead welcome Him in and fellowship with Him daily.
No Room For Christ
“No room in the inn,” is what they were told
On the night they reached Bethlehem.
“But there must be a place, My wife’s hungry and cold,”
Joseph pleaded with expression grim.
“I’ve a stable below,” the innkeeper said,
“To get out of the night’s chilly air.
It’s not very much, but there’s hay for a bed.
You’ll be welcome to stay in there.”
So the One who was come from Heaven above
In a stable was caused to be born.
He came down to earth to show God’s great love,
Was humbled that first Christmas morn.
“No room in our world,” is what He was told
By the religionists of Jesus’ day.
“You’re not our messiah – You don’t fit our mold.
So we’ve got to send you away.”
They gave Him over to Gentiles to be crucified,
To hang Him upon a cross.
Yet He forgave them as He suffered and died.
They did not even realize their loss.
The One who could save them from all of their sin
They rejected and cast Him away.
The One who had come their souls to win
They crucified that fateful day.
“No room in our lives,” is what He’s still told,
For Jesus we have no time.
We busy ourselves seeking silver and gold.
To us wealth and fame is sublime.”
So once again Christ is shut outside
By a world so full of sin,
While in your heart He wants to abide.
Why don’t you let Him come in?
Why don’t you give Him first place in your life
And let Him within you dwell?
He will release you from all sin and strife
And deliver your soul from hell.
© 2006 Paul Stultz
“No room in the inn,” is what they were told
On the night they reached Bethlehem.
“But there must be a place, My wife’s hungry and cold,”
Joseph pleaded with expression grim.
“I’ve a stable below,” the innkeeper said,
“To get out of the night’s chilly air.
It’s not very much, but there’s hay for a bed.
You’ll be welcome to stay in there.”
So the One who was come from Heaven above
In a stable was caused to be born.
He came down to earth to show God’s great love,
Was humbled that first Christmas morn.
“No room in our world,” is what He was told
By the religionists of Jesus’ day.
“You’re not our messiah – You don’t fit our mold.
So we’ve got to send you away.”
They gave Him over to Gentiles to be crucified,
To hang Him upon a cross.
Yet He forgave them as He suffered and died.
They did not even realize their loss.
The One who could save them from all of their sin
They rejected and cast Him away.
The One who had come their souls to win
They crucified that fateful day.
“No room in our lives,” is what He’s still told,
For Jesus we have no time.
We busy ourselves seeking silver and gold.
To us wealth and fame is sublime.”
So once again Christ is shut outside
By a world so full of sin,
While in your heart He wants to abide.
Why don’t you let Him come in?
Why don’t you give Him first place in your life
And let Him within you dwell?
He will release you from all sin and strife
And deliver your soul from hell.
© 2006 Paul Stultz
Remember this thought -- “The world is that system of society which has in it no place for God.”