Luke 19:10 – “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
A young girl in Scotland once described salvation this way: “Oh, sir, I cannot explain it, but I know it. It seems to me it is like the washing of the sheep in yonder brook. We take them into the flowing stream and hold them there till all the dirt has been cleansed from the wool. We cannot tell where the water comes from or where it goes, but we know that the fleece is cleansed. I can’t explain it, but I know the blood of Jesus cleanseth me from all sin.”
To describe salvation – there aren’t enough words – the words we do have can’t be put together in such a way – if we could put them together, we could not even touch the wonder of it – to describe salvation. Some try to say that it is merely a reformation – turning over a new leaf – making a conscious decision to do better – making a New Year’s resolution. But reformation is not salvation – a man cannot plumb the depths of his soul enough, reach the heights of heaven enough, or scrape the pit of hell enough to change sufficiently to meet God’s demands. Some try to say it is confirmation – make a head decision – shake a preacher’s hand – sign a decision card. But confirmation is not salvation – religion tells you that when you reach a certain age you can be confirmed into religion as a means of grace – but there is nothing magic about that age, and besides that the church cannot save you. Some try to say that it is information – if you make an informed consent – if you gain enough knowledge – if you gain enough worldly wisdom – then man can save himself. But information is not salvation – no amount of head knowledge can bring about salvation. Some try to say it is a demonstration – if you can demonstrate a desire to bring about salvation – an assertion of selfhood – a self-sacrificing act – a self-punishing experience – then salvation will surely come. But demonstration is not salvation – no amount of self-flagellation, self-sacrifice, self-abasement can resolve the sin-debt that must be paid. Some try to say that it is isolation – cut yourself off from the rest of the world – isolate yourself from worldly desires – and you’ll cleanse yourself of sin. But isolation is not salvation – removing temptation and worldly desires will not resolve the sinful condition of your soul. Some try to say that denomination is salvation – if you follow this doctrine or that dogma or this catechism – then surely salvation will follow. But denomination is not salvation – denominations are man-made perversions of God’s original intent – no denomination can save a man.
Then, you may ask, what is salvation? Three things: First, salvation is a change of mind. In Luke 13:3, Christ uses some recent local happenings to describe salvation to the Jews. “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” He repeats the same warning again in verse 5 – word for word. So repentance is essential to salvation. What is repentance? It is an about face – a complete change of mind – a 180 degree turn. You cannot be saved and continue to walk the way you were going. This turning from sin is a continual process, a continuous turning away from sin. Second, salvation is a converting of walk. Ephesians 4 instructs us how we are to walk. Paul says in verse 1 to “walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.” In verse 3 – walk in unity; in verse 17 – walk in purity; in 5:2 – walk in love; in 5:8 – walk in light; in 5:15 – walk carefully; in 5:19 – walk in harmony; and in 6:10 – walk in victory. Everyone who would be saved must turn again his walk from the world to Christ. Third, salvation is a committal of faith in Jesus Christ. We don’t have to work for our salvation – Christ did that at Calvary – but we must do certain things – we must accept – we must repent – we must believe. This belief comes through accepting Christ as Saviour through faith in His finished work on the cross, acknowledging the need for salvation, and believing in your heart that He will save. This belief in Christ brings with it the salvation of the soul. Salvation then brings the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, a daily walk with Him in this present life, and eternal life with Him in heaven.
Quote – “The shed blood is like a scarlet carpet which men follow to Heaven.” – Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.