While preaching on this verse, the great evangelist Sam Jones related this story: That reminds me of the penitent down in Georgia at the altar. He was agonizing, praying. The preacher went up to him, trying to encourage him, and, "Well," he said, "I am not one of the elect, I am one of the reprobates; I feel it all over." And I don’t reckon a poor soul ever did try to seek God that the devil didn’t slip up with something of that sort. "You are one of the reprobates; God never died to save you." And there he was in agony, and the preacher said to him, "Well, my brother, listen to me a minute. Now," said he, "if you could see your name, James B. Green, written upon the Lambs book this minute, would you believe then Christ died for you and you were one of the elect?" The poor fellow thought a moment and he said, "No, sir. There are other people in this world of my name." "Well," said the preacher, "if you could see it, James B. Green, Scriven County, Ga., would you believe it was you then?" “Well," he says, "there may have been other people of my name in this county before I was born. I don’t know." "Well," said he, "if you could see it, James B. Green, Scriven County, Ga., and the year 1867, would you believe it was you?" "Well," he said, "it may be there is somebody in this county now of my name." "Well," said he, "if you could see it, James B. Green of Scriven County, and the Nineteenth District and the year '67, would you believe it was you?" "Well," he says, "I could not know definitely." "Now," said he, "my friend, God Almighty saw all that trouble and he just put it into one word and he said: 'Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." And the poor fellow jumped up and clapped his hands and said, "Thank God! I know that means me."
Sam Jones continued: Thank God, it is "whosoever will." If you will, God will; and I say tonight God don’t say "whosoever feels," or whosoever says this or that or the other, but he throws it all on your will as a man, and says: "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." And I like the conclusion: "Let him take the water of life freely." Blessed be God, ye thirsty men can drink, and there is enough for to-day, enough for all of us, enough forever and evermore. Come and drink freely.
Whosoever loves the Lord – That included me –
Whosoever trusts His Word, Him He maketh free.
Whosoever doth believe That Jesus is the Christ,
Whosoever wilt receive, God gives eternal life.
Whosoever knoweth Him Knows that He is love.
Whosoever turns from sin Finds a home above.
Whosoever will repent, Leaving worldly fare,
Whosoever quits his bent Finds wherewith to care.
Whosoever learns to love Those around about,
Whosoever’s born above Shows what love’s about.
Whosoever trusts His Word, Him He maketh free.
Whosoever loves the Lord, That included me.
© 2006 Paul Stultz
Quote – “Blessed be God! It is for all of us. It is for all of us.” – Sam Jones
Whosoever loves the Lord – That included me –
Whosoever trusts His Word, Him He maketh free.
Whosoever doth believe That Jesus is the Christ,
Whosoever wilt receive, God gives eternal life.
Whosoever knoweth Him Knows that He is love.
Whosoever turns from sin Finds a home above.
Whosoever will repent, Leaving worldly fare,
Whosoever quits his bent Finds wherewith to care.
Whosoever learns to love Those around about,
Whosoever’s born above Shows what love’s about.
Whosoever trusts His Word, Him He maketh free.
Whosoever loves the Lord, That included me.
© 2006 Paul Stultz
Quote – “Blessed be God! It is for all of us. It is for all of us.” – Sam Jones