Wednesday, October 17, 2007

An Example in Faith

1 Timothy 4:12 – “Be thou an example of the believers … in faith.”

It is over five hundred years since brave Columbus sailed the wide, treacherous Atlantic and discovered the new world. Before this there was a belief through much of Europe that there was another land "somewhere." There was much talk and many theories but no facts. After much discouragement Columbus set sail upon the unknown, untried seas. His men were discouraged and secretly determined to throw him overboard if he did not turn back. But he had just one command, "Sail on, sail on, sail on." Finally the coveted land was reached. They were profoundly happy and gave thanks to God. When he returned, after having actually seen the wonderful land, slept upon its shores, and eaten its fruits, his words were not as those of other men. They could theorize and speculate as to its existence or its nonexistence, but it was different with Columbus. He spoke with authority. Men gathered around him to listen.

So it is with the real Christian and with those who have entered the Canaan of perfect love. Others may doubt and scoff, but he has been there. He has met Christ, the great Deliverer from sin. He has experienced the joys of eternal life. He has touched heaven with his prayers. The child of God has been given a touch of glory, and when he speaks of the thrills of that kingdom, he speaks with first-hand knowledge.

A Touch of Glory

Give us a touch of glory divine,
O God of Heaven above.
Stir up our hearts with your Spirit fine,
And fill us with your love.

Breathe upon us, O Holy God.
Shake us from our sleep.
Help as we walk on this earthly sod,
Thy Spirit our souls to keep.

Put us in places of heavenly joy –
Show us Thy Holy Face.
Help us Thy Blessed Spirit employ
In our lives with wondrous grace.

Nuzzle up close to our sinful heart,
And fill our mouths with praise.
Help us not from Thy joy depart
And shout for all our days.
© 2006 Paul Stultz

Quote – “I know God lives – I talked with Him this morning.” – Dr. Harold B. Sightler

"He Knows My Name" - MVBC Young Ladies Trio

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