One hot Sunday evening in the middle of the summer I heard Bryan Galloway of the Galloway Family give this testimony: “Thank God there’s a heaven someday. It’ll be sooner than we think, that’s for sure. If Jesus came back right now, I wouldn’t have to go back to North Carolina for a thing. That’s right. I wouldn’t have to go back for a thing. As a matter of fact, I’d as soon go to heaven from right here as anywhere I know of. But the glory that God’s got in store for his young’ns – hey it’s not even entered into our minds. It’s so big and vast it’ll take a glorified body to take it in. But I’m persuaded that God doesn’t just want us to experience heaven someday – I believe God wants us to experience heaven today. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
They’re in an uproar over there – they’re in absolute, complete, unhindered worship. The weighty presence of God is just so thick and so manifested – Holy, Holy, Holy – and they don’t get familiar with it. Y’know sometimes I’m afraid we get familiar with worship, in a sense. But they don’t get familiar with it, and man what an awesome time it’s going to be. But God wants that in our lives now. Honestly I’ve been in some great services. I was thinking of one service when the power of God hit a church and simultaneously – without any announcement or anybody standing up and saying I want you to do this – everybody in that building hit the floor on their face. I mean the presence of God just came in so thick, you couldn’t help but do it. It was like God just pressed us all down in the dirt and I just cried and squawled, and everybody was crying and squawling.
You say you don’t believe that. Honest before God, that never strained God one bit. There’s more of that – my heart needs it. I don’t know about you, but I’m a square peg driven in a round hole. I don’t fit down here. I’m a misfit down here. I need heaven now in my body and in my soul. That’s what David was crying out for – is for heaven right now and to see God’s glory, that manifested presence as he’d seen it in the past. Hey, I don’t believe God’s done – I don’t believe God’s through – I really don’t. Sometimes I think we think He’s through – we act like He is.” The Galloway Family then sang this song,
Better than Life
In a dry and weary land where is no water, My soul is thirsting for you.
I have seen you in the sanctuary, beheld your power and glory.
My lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live – In your name I will lift up my hands.
Your love is better than life. Your love is better than life.
Earnestly I seek you, my soul is thirsting for you.
Cause your love is better than life.
Because you are my help I will be singing in the shadow of your wing.
I’m staying close beside you. Your right hand upholds me.
I think of you through the night.
With singing lips I will praise. My soul will be satisfied
Your love is better than life. Your love is better than life.
Earnestly I seek you, my soul is thirsting for you.
Cause your love is better than life
O God, you are my God. Earnestly I seek you. I’m longing for you.
O God, you are my God. Earnestly I seek you I’m longing for you.
Your love is better than life. Your love is better than life.
In a dry and weary land where is no water, My soul is thirsting for you.
I have seen you in the sanctuary, beheld your power and glory.
My lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live – In your name I will lift up my hands.
Your love is better than life. Your love is better than life.
Earnestly I seek you, my soul is thirsting for you.
Cause your love is better than life.
Because you are my help I will be singing in the shadow of your wing.
I’m staying close beside you. Your right hand upholds me.
I think of you through the night.
With singing lips I will praise. My soul will be satisfied
Your love is better than life. Your love is better than life.
Earnestly I seek you, my soul is thirsting for you.
Cause your love is better than life
O God, you are my God. Earnestly I seek you. I’m longing for you.
O God, you are my God. Earnestly I seek you I’m longing for you.
Your love is better than life. Your love is better than life.
Keith Lancaster
Quote – “How frequently have believers traversed in their experience this dry and thirsty land, where spiritual joys are things forgotten, and how truly can they testify that the only true necessity of that country is the near presence of their God!” – C.H. Spurgeon