Joshua 1:8 – “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth;
but thou shalt meditate therein day and night.”
Which indeed? Are you one who flits about the task of Bible
reading – skimming here and skimming there – touching the surface as you
go? Or are you one who digs deep as
Alexander Pope suggests in his “Essay on Criticism?” He says, “A little Learning is a dang'rous Thing /
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring / There shallow Draughts intoxicate
the Brain / And drinking largely sobers us again.” Now Pope was speaking of intellectualism, but
let’s apply it to our Bible reading habits.
“Drink deep,” he says. The Word
is often referred to in the Scriptures as water – so, friend, when you read,
drink deep – mull it over – meditate on it.
Many times in the Psalms, a passage ends with the word Selah. Scholars vary on the meaning of this little
word, but the consensus is that it means “pause
and reflect” or “meditate on this.”
There are many scriptures that teach us the importance of
meditating on what you’re reading in God’s Word. Oh, most of us agree that reading His Word is
important to the Christian life, but meditating on it is just as important. 2 Timothy 2:7 says, “Consider (or think about) what I say; and the Lord give thee
understanding in all things.” Psalm
119, the great psalm in which every verse extols the precious Word of God,
tells us several times to meditate on it – v. 15, “I will meditate in thy precepts;” v. 23, “Meditate in thy statutes;” v. 48, “I will meditate in thy statutes;” v. 97, “Oh how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day;” v. 99, “Thy testimonies are my meditation;” v.
148, “That I might meditate in thy word.” It’s only through a consistent meditation on
the Word of God, that the Christian can learn to eat the meat of God’s Word
that Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 3:2, “I
have fed you with milk, and not with meat.”
Dig deep and pull out those gems and precious stones. Ask yourself, “What is God saying to me in
particular?” He has a message just for
you every time you open the pages of Scripture – so, dig deep to find out what
it is. Selah – Meditate on this!
"Lord, Help us to dig deep into your Word. Help us to memorize - to study - to show ourselves approved. Help us to love it and meditate on it. Amen."