Song of Solomon 5:16 – “His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.”
Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., in his classic sermon by the same title, begins thus: “There are some tasks that are impossible for men. No matter how high imagination may soar, no matter now colorful language may be, no matter how moved may be the heart of the speaker, no man can properly glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Preachers have tried, prophets have sought, poets have sung, singers have praised, sibyls have exalted, and sages have meditated, but no man is ever able to picture Him in all His wonders.”

He was lovely in His
names. He goes by many names in the
Scriptures, each as lovely as the next, I Am that I Am being the chief. Each of the various names He is called has a
special meaning – a special significance to His task here in the lives of
men. As you come across another name as
you read the Bible, think of what that name means to you. You’ll find that He becomes more lovely as
you do.
He was lovely in His
purpose. He set aside His glory and
took upon Himself the flesh of humanity.
He could not set aside His deity – He remained every bit God – but He
had to taste of humanity to make Himself a vicarious atonement for
mankind. He came to earth in lowly
estate, yet even so, He was the essence of perfection.
He was lovely in His
work. The bride in the Song of
Solomon described Him as one who was Altogether Lovely, yet in His work on the
cross, He became one who “hath no form nor comeliness; . . . no beauty that we
should desire him (Isa 53:2).” He took
upon Himself the sins of mankind – “his visage was so marred more than any
other man (Isa 52:14).” Yet His work on
the cross was Altogether Lovely. “Surely he hath borne our grief, and carried
our sorrows: . . . But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised
for our iniquities . . . and with his stripes we are healed (Isa 53:4-5).” Yes, in providing salvation for every man, He
was Altogether Lovely.
The Altogether Lovely One
The Altogether Lovely One is Jesus Christ, my Lord,
The Way, the Truth, the Life is He, the Love of God outpoured.
The Way, the Truth, the Life is He, the Love of God outpoured.
The Blessed Holy Lamb of God, the Saviour of all men,
I’ll trust in Him forevermore – He saved me from my sin.
The Prince of Peace, the King of Kings, the Everlasting Light,
My Rock, my Door, my Hiding Place, He leads me in the right.
The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End,
I’ll live for Him forever, He’s my one and only Friend.
The Great Physician, Living Word, the Mighty God is He.
Emmanuel, Deliverer, He came to set me free.
The Everlasting Father in a human form did come –
The Great I Am, the First and Last, the Most Exalted One.
© 2006 Paul Stultz
Quote - “Altogether Lovely
does not mean just completely lovely, but lovely in His completeness.” - Dr. Bob Jones, Jr.
"Lord, You are altogether lovely, for by your work on the cross, you brought salvation and peace to the heart of this once-dead soul. Thank you for being who you are. Amen."
"Lord, You are altogether lovely, for by your work on the cross, you brought salvation and peace to the heart of this once-dead soul. Thank you for being who you are. Amen."