In a large gallery there is a picture of an old derelict vessel, an old battered hulk, on a rough sea with threatening clouds, and forked flashes of lightning shooting across it. It is a picture by Charles Stanfield which he calls The Abandoned. No canvas ever spoke its message with plainer voice. I might describe it. I might comment on it. But down underneath the painting is a verse that tells the whole weird, pathetic story. Listen to the words:
Storm-beaten, torn and tossed
By night and day;
Lone, lorn, lamented, lost,
Drifting away.
By night and day;
Lone, lorn, lamented, lost,
Drifting away.
But wait ---- out on the horizon a flicker of light ---- a faint glimmer of hope. Can it be? Can it truly be a glimmer of hope? What is that hope? ‘Tis salvation – salvation full and free. There in the midst of despair comes the sweet gift of salvation. A glorious ship of rescue to retrieve that abandoned, battered hulk of a ship lies just on horizon. The songwriter says it best:
’Twas the old ship of Zion, thus sailing along,
All aboard her seemed joyous, I heard their sweet song;
And the Captain’s kind ear, every ready to hear
Caught my wail of distress as I cried out in fear.
All aboard her seemed joyous, I heard their sweet song;
And the Captain’s kind ear, every ready to hear
Caught my wail of distress as I cried out in fear.
Yes that old ship of Zion commanded by the kindly, caring Captain, the Lord Jesus Christ, is ever ready to come alongside any drifting, battered, abandoned craft and rescue the perishing. My friend, there’s no need for your wretched soul to be lost in the midst of the sea. There’s no need for you to languish in despair. There’s no need for you to sink into the depths of damnation with no hope of salvation. Yes, all you have to do is cry out to Christ as Peter did when he began to sink after walking on the water with Christ. "Lord, save me,” – that’s all it takes. For in the very next verse, verse 31, “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him.”
Yes, dear soul drifting out in sin, call upon the Saviour and He will hear – and He will catch you – and He will rescue you. Dear friend, right now - right where you are - give Him your heart and soul – give Him your all. Turn from your sin and take the free gift of salvation. Christ did all the work for you. He went to the cross of Calvary and shed His precious blood so that you could be rescued from the despair of eternal damnation. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)”
“Should not perish” – that means there is definite hope for you – He promises. “But have everlasting life” – that means there is a definite possession to be obtained – He promises. Now all you have to do is accept the free gift. If you will, then He will take your shipwrecked life and make of you something wonderful – something beautiful – something astounding.
Quote – I am a nobody to tell everybody that Somebody can save anybody. - Unknown
"Lord, Thank you for saving an old sinner like me. I was lost - abandoned - held fast by the chains of sin. But you reached down from glory and saved my wretched soul - put me on a new path - and gave the Holy Spirit to guide and teach me. Praise God. Amen."
Yes, dear soul drifting out in sin, call upon the Saviour and He will hear – and He will catch you – and He will rescue you. Dear friend, right now - right where you are - give Him your heart and soul – give Him your all. Turn from your sin and take the free gift of salvation. Christ did all the work for you. He went to the cross of Calvary and shed His precious blood so that you could be rescued from the despair of eternal damnation. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)”
“Should not perish” – that means there is definite hope for you – He promises. “But have everlasting life” – that means there is a definite possession to be obtained – He promises. Now all you have to do is accept the free gift. If you will, then He will take your shipwrecked life and make of you something wonderful – something beautiful – something astounding.
Quote – I am a nobody to tell everybody that Somebody can save anybody. - Unknown
"Lord, Thank you for saving an old sinner like me. I was lost - abandoned - held fast by the chains of sin. But you reached down from glory and saved my wretched soul - put me on a new path - and gave the Holy Spirit to guide and teach me. Praise God. Amen."