Luke 5:27 – “And after these things, he went forth and saw a publican,
named Levi, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he said unto him, Follow me.”

O, what a calling – to be called of God! “Follow
me,” He said to this hated publican.
“Follow me,” He said to Simon
and Andrew in their fishing boats. “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of
men (Matt 4:19).” “Follow me,” He calls out to each of us
as we go about our daily lives. And what
will be our response to Him. Let’s look
at the responses of some:
First, the fishermen – how did they respond? The gospel of John tells us that Andrew was
one of John’s disciples and when Christ was pointed out as the “Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of
the world,” he and another disciple followed Him. The next day, as recorded in Matthew 4:19, Christ,
while walking along the sea, saw Andrew and his brother Simon and made the call
to make them fishers of men. The next
verse says, “And they straightway left
their nets and followed him.” He
moved on and saw James and John mending their nets, made the same call, and got
the same response, “And they immediately
left the ship and their father, and followed him (verse 22).” These first disciples were willing to make
the sacrifice.
Second, the scribe – what was his response? In Matthew 8:19, “a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee
whithersoever thou goest.” But then
when Christ told him the kind of life he would lead, he changed the parameters
and asked if he could wait till his father died. “But
Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead (verse
22).” Christ was telling him, “Put
me above everything else.” There is no
indication that the scribe complied. He
apparently went the way of the rich young ruler and went away sad. He was not willing to make the sacrifice.
Third, the rich young ruler – how did he respond? Matthew 19:21, “Jesus said unto him . . . go and sell that thou hast . . . and come
and follow me.” Verse 22 – “The young man . . . went away sorrowful:
for he had great possessions.” He
was not willing to make the sacrifice.
Fourth, the hated tax collector, Levi – let’s look at his
response. The Bible says that as Jesus
walked by the tax tables, He looked at Levi and simply said, “Follow me.” Luke 5:28 says, “And he left all, rose up, and followed him.” He became the apostle Matthew. He was willing to make the sacrifice. Christ tells us in Matthew 16:24, “If any man will come after me, let him deny
himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” All Christ asks of us is commitment to Him.
Follow Me
What was it Lord that made me come, That day when Thou didst call?
Such simple statement – “Follow me” – I came, forsaking all.
It’s not as though I didn’t have Much substance to my name,
For I, a hated publican, Was wealthy – to my shame.
I had a simple goal in life – Gain all the wealth I can –
And I set out my purse to fill And cheat my fellow man.
But in that day when Thou didst pass Beside my table there,
All else faded from my mind – Yes, every earthly care.
Such tenderness and love I felt, When first I heard Thee speak.
I felt compelled to leave it all And life with Thee to seek.
And in an instant did great peace Come flooding in my heart,
And there I left old Levi flat – A brand new life did start.
© 2006 Paul Stultz
Quote – “The pay in God’s service is little, but the
retirement program is out of this world.” – Dr. Harold
"Lord, Thank you for calling each of us to do your will. Help us to 'leave father and mother and take up our cross daily' and follow you. Help us to put everything else aside and give you our whole selves. Amen."
"Lord, Thank you for calling each of us to do your will. Help us to 'leave father and mother and take up our cross daily' and follow you. Help us to put everything else aside and give you our whole selves. Amen."