Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Mills of God

Galatians 6:7 – “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

In 1654, a German author name Friederich von Logau wrote something in German that Longfellow years later translated thus:
Though the mills of God grind slowly,
Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience he stands waiting,
With exactness grinds he all.

In 1875, an African-American Representative said in a speech before the House, “The mills of the gods grind slowly, but surely and exceeding fine.”  The same passage in one form or another has been quoted in various arenas, from the General Assembly of the United Nations to the starchy chambers of the British Parliament to the hallowed halls of academia to the pen of the great heart surgeon, Christian Barnard.  Though, in all its telling – in all its quoting – in all its bandying about, the meaning is truly lost on a sinful, lost and dying world. 

What the worldly wise who throw the quotation about fail to see is the truth of the statement – that no sinful soul can escape. In other words, the Mills of God grind slowly but surely. Heaven’s retribution is slow but sure.  The law of sowing and reaping is a biblical principle that cannot be escaped.  Every man and every woman, every boy and every girl, was born in sin and has a responsibility to God to pay for that sin.  But man, because of his sin, can never pay the debt that is owed.  Sure, “The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23),” but man can never fully pay those wages.  Even when death comes, the debt is still there.  Only the sinless, perfect Son of God could pay enough to expiate the debt.  And He did.  He died for all mankind on Calvary’s cross.  And unless a man accepts the sacrifice, turns from his sin, and acknowledges Christ as his Lord and Saviour, he will die in his sin and be lost for eternity.  But if he does accept Christ, the debt is paid and his responsibility to God is forever settled.

The Mills Of God

Nothing is hid from the eyes of the Lord –
Every dark secret He sees.
He’ll cut to the chase with His mighty sword,
For sin is a dreadful disease.
The sins which we desperately cover to hide
To God are in open display,
And we go about with hearts full of pride,
Rejoicing in our wicked way.

But God up above has a different design,
As we glibly go on our way.
With fierceness of wrath and justice divine,
He’ll pour out His judgment one day.
The mills of our God so slowly may grind –
From one truth we can’t get away –
For they grind so surely and always unkind
For all who in wickedness play.
© 2006 Paul Stultz

Quote – “The mills of God may grind slowly, but they grind surely.” – Harold B Sightler

"Lord, Teach us to respect the laws you have set in motion in our lives. One of those laws we see every day is the law of sowing and reaping. Help us to see that it is always at work.  Amen."

"He Knows My Name" - MVBC Young Ladies Trio

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