Friday, June 21, 2013

Summertime Spiritual Renewal

Luke 21:30 – “Summer is now nigh at hand.”

One morning in 1888, Alfred Nobel was quite surprised to read his own obituary in a French newspaper. Obviously, it was a journalistic mistake. One of his brothers had died, and a careless reporter had used a prewritten obituary of the wrong man. But as he read, Nobel was shocked and deeply disturbed to learn what the world really thought of him. He was seen simply as the dynamite king, the merchant of death, who had amassed a great fortune out of explosives. Nobel had hoped his inventions would be useful to people and to nations. At that moment, Alfred Nobel resolved to show the world the true purpose of his life. He revised his will so that his fortune would be dedicated to the recognition of great creative achievements with the highest award going to those who had done the most for world peace. Today, we all associate him with the Nobel Peace Prize.

Summer is a time of spiritual renewal. Alfred Nobel recognized the need for a renewed purpose for his life – in just such a way we need to recognize the need for spiritual renewal in our lives. In our younger days, we have memories of summer – memories of hot summer days – memories of hot summer nights. But in this new stage of our lives, we need to “put away childish things” and analyze our present lives and make a renewed effort to move forward for God. If we have truly left our old selves behind as Paul admonished in Romans 6:11, “Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord,” then spiritual renewal can be a reality in our lives. 

Lazy Summertime Blues

I can recall the hot lazy days of summer
As a child scampering barefoot through the fields
Clad only in cut-off blue jeans.
The hot sun glared above
Causing everything to move a little slower,
Making everyone a bit listless.
The dogs hunted the shade of trees –
The hogs rooted in their wallow –
We called it the lazy summertime blues.

The adults would sit on the porch drinking iced tea,
Speckled strips of flypaper
Blowing in the hot breeze from an old oscillating fan.
We would sit and watch the heat rise –
Yes, heat so hot – so thick –
You could see it rise –
So hot, not even the birds chirped.
The only sound you could hear
Was the feverish buzzing of flies.
© 2006 Paul Stultz

Quote – “It would be a great miracle to raise a dead body to life. It would be a greater miracle to put new life in all of you."Peter Gomes

"Lord, As the summer begins, help us to see it as a time of spiritual renewal - help us to make your grace known to others - and help us to reflect your love to all.  Amen."

"He Knows My Name" - MVBC Young Ladies Trio

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