Thursday, August 1, 2013

It's All About The Lamb

John 1:29 – “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”

We have talked much of man’s need for salvation.  We have talked about Adam’s sin, plunging mankind into sin.  We have talked much of God’s promise to send a saviour.  We have talked much of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary’s cross.  But why a lamb?  Why a sacrifice?  In the garden when Adam and Eve found themselves at odds with God, they hid their nakedness.  Before sin came into the world, there was no shame for nakedness.  But when their spiritual minds were awakened, they realized their sinful condition and stood naked before God.  They attempted to clothe themselves with leaves, but that was not sufficient.

God killed the first animals, probably lambs, and made coats for them to cover their sin.  He then told them that through the blood of goats and rams they would find atonement.  It was then established that through blood man would find atonement.  Abel offered an excellent sacrifice – Cain’s was found lacking.  While on Mt. Moriah, Abraham prophesied that God would provide Himself a sacrifice.  When the Mosaic Law came, ceremonial sacrifice was established as atonement for sin.  Once a year the High Priest had to offer blood before the mercy seat in the Tabernacle and then in the Temple

Then one day, as John the Baptist was preaching and baptizing along the Jordan River, he saw his cousin Jesus coming to see him.  It was then that John proclaimed to the people, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”  Jesus came to him to be baptized to begin His earthly ministry, an honor that John did not take lightly.  After three years of ministry, Jesus was taken and crucified upon the cross of Calvary.  He became the ultimate Lamb – the final sacrifice – no more blood was needed.  That sacrifice on the cross paid the debt for all mankind.  It was the fulfillment of every lamb that had ever been slain.  And if each man alive will put his faith in the Lamb, Christ then opens the way for him to attain heaven.

It’s All About The Lamb

Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes our sin away –
He’s the One who gave Himself upon the cross one day.
Though meek and lowly was the Lamb, He was not what He seemed.
‘Twas through His precious saving blood that man has been redeemed.

He’s the One foreshadowed by the lamb of Abel slain,
And Abraham foretold the Lamb on Moriah’s rough terrain,
And in the Law did Moses tell the priest to offer up
A spotless lamb before the Lord and blood from golden cup.

Every lamb was sacrificed to cover man’s gross sin,
So that man in fellowship with God could enter in,
And then one day the prophet John in faith proclaimed the Lord,
“Behold the Lamb that takes away the sin of all the world.”

Its all about the Lamb, you see – it’s Him that made the way –
And He’s deserving of our praise for on that blessed day
He gave His life on Calvary’s cross to wash away our sin,
And worthy is the Lamb of God to hear the praise of men.
© 2006 Paul Stultz

Quote – “To see how Christ was prophesied and described therein, consider and mark, how that the kid or lamb must be without spot or blemish; and so was Christ only of all mankind, in the sight of God and of his law.” – William Tyndale

"Lord, Thank you for being that Lamb of God - spotless - without blemish - sinless Lamb of God. Thank you for being that supreme sacrifice that was needed. Help us to worship you as such.  Amen."

"He Knows My Name" - MVBC Young Ladies Trio

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