Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Science of the Gospel

Hebrews 11:6 – “He that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

Arthur Ely tells of a missionary visiting a large Buddhist temple in China who asked the gray-robed priest who stood by if their Buddha could talk.  The priest replied, “No.” “Can he hear?” The priest replied again, “No.” “Can he see?” “No.” “Can he walk?” “No.”  Finally the missionary asked, “What can he do?” The priest answered, “Nothing, he can do nothing.”  By this time a fair crowd had gathered.  The missionary turned to the audience and said, “You have heard what this man has told you.  He has told you the truth.  Come with me outside, and I will tell you the truth about the true and living God who does everything.”  The crowd followed him outside.

You see many in this world seek and follow gods who can do nothing.  Christ said to the woman at the well in John 4:22, “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship.”  In Daniel 5:23, Daniel condemns Belshazzar because “thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, and brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified.”  And today man continues to worship they know not what – they continue to worship gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, and stone – they continue to hew for themselves cisterns that hold not water – they continue to glorify not the true God of heaven.

Dr. Harold Sightler, the late pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church, once defined science as “the accumulation and organization of facts.”  The word science comes from the Latin word “scios,” which means “to know.”  Now what scientists call science today is not always based on knowledge – much of it is based on theory.  Evolution, for example, is taught in our schools as fact, when they all know that it is based on bits and pieces of bone fragments and put together with a lot of theory.  That makes evolution a theory about science – a scientism.  It is a theory that is based solely on faith – an impractical faith – an illogical faith – but faith nonetheless.

Now theology, on the other hand, is a true science.  It is based on facts of scripture – recorded by the only One who was actually there – fact not theory.  We’ll look at three aspects of theology:
First, in relation to the way of salvation.  For true salvation to occur there must be conviction – a feeling of a need for salvation. Then there must be repentance – a turning from sin and to God.  For these to occur, there must be faith – a faith in God who is much larger than ourselves.  After this, there must be service – a yielding of one’s body and soul to the complete control of the Spirit of God.  Then there must be obedience – complete obedience to His Will – to do as He commands. 

Secondly, in relation to the assurance of salvation.  There are several things God has given us that give us this assurance.  We know that if we have given our heart to Christ, the Bible tells us we are saved – just read 1 John 5.  We know that our new nature that we have within us – our born-again nature – our Christ nature – tells us we are saved – just read Romans 8.  We know that the new company we keep tells us we are saved – just read 1 John 2. 

Lastly, in relation to the purpose of salvation.  Everything that happens in this world happens in the direct providence of God and has a specific purpose.  The main purpose for our salvation is that we may glorify God – we are saved to His glory for now and forever.  We are saved to serve Him in this world – both far and near.  We are saved to tell the story of His grace around the world – by going ourselves and by sending missionaries, such as that one in the illustration above.

Quote –God is big enough to be everywhere but small enough to be anywhere.” – Unknown

"Lord, Help us to see what you are - and help us to see the false gods of this world for what they are. Thank you for speaking to our hearts and showing us what true science, or knowledge, is. For without you there is no knowledge.   Amen."

"He Knows My Name" - MVBC Young Ladies Trio

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